Sunday, November 19, 2017

Weight Loss Is Hard For Me

Weight loss is hard for me. I struggle with it and have for many years now. When I was a child and even a teenager it came easy. This has not been true as an adult.

I have tried many different diets over the years. I always hoped one of them would be just what I needed to lose the 50lbs I need to lose to get back to my goal weight. They seem to work well for me for about a week and then I either stop doing them or forget I was on a diet in the first place.

I try to run every other day but then something comes up. My kids have something going on or it gets too hot. In the wintertime it is too cold for me to run outside. I just don't like to run when I am uncomfortable.

I know it is probably best to just watch what I eat and try to walk when I can. This is the simplest form of losing weight and it makes a lot of sense. If you are eating healthy foods and making an effort to be active, you will see results.

I have been about 50lbs overweight for three years now. I hope that I can lose all of it in the next year. I am finally at a place where I just can't stand the extra weight.

I can feel it everyday as I try to do things around the house. My back hurts more and my knees can feel it. I know if I lose some weight I will feel much better and will be able to be more active.

I plan to give up eating cookies every night. I know that is one of the reasons I am not losing weight. They always look so good and I have a very hard time resisting them. I know I should stopping buying them to begin with.

Once the kids go back to school I plan to walk every morning. I will walk them to the bus stop and then I will continue for an hour. I think this will really help. I will lose weight and it will help my body feel a bit more healthy than it does.

I just have to commit to walking everyday. I can't skip a day just because I don't feel like it. I need to make myself do it even if I am too cold or too hot. I use to walk a lot when I was younger and I miss it.

If I do not start losing weight I know I could end up with a lot of problems. I have seen it in other people. I just don't want that to happen to me. I want to be healthy as I am growing older.

I hope to find some friends that also want to lose weight. I think it would be easier if we did it together. We could keep each other accountable that way.

Losing weight is hard for me but I know I can do it. I just have to focus and keep to a routine. I know I will really enjoy the results if I do.

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