Thursday, November 16, 2017

How I Was Able to Lose Weight After My Baby Was Born

After my second baby was born, I worked really hard to lose all of the weight I had gained. I tried a few things and was able to see results. I was so happy that I was able to lose the weight.

The first thing that I did was I quit driving when I didn't need to. I walked everywhere. I had a double stroller that I could put my two young kids in. I walked to the grocery store, to my friend's house and even to the doctor's office.

I was walking between 2-3 hours a day. I started to see results pretty quickly. It was hard to get started but once I got into the routine of walking, it came easily to me. It got to the point that I would go weeks without driving my car.

In addition to walking I also decided to give up soda. I had heard that soda is a big reason people can't lose any weight. I think it really worked for me because I saw an even bigger difference when I gave up drinking it.

The number on the scale was going down quickly but in addition to losing weight I also wanted to become a healthier person. Since I had two little kids I wanted to teach them about how to eat healthy. I started replacing a few different foods that I normally liked to eat.

For breakfast I replaced my typical meal of cereal and a muffin. I felt like that was too many carbs at once. I started making a smoothie every morning. I usually put in strawberries, bananas and yogurt. I also sometimes added a protein mix.

For lunch I tried to avoid fast food. If I had to get fast food I would order a salad. It was hard at first but once I stopped eating it, I really didn't want it anymore. I knew how much healthier I was eating.

For dinner I would have a normal meal but I would put less carbs and more vegetables on my plate. This wasn't hard because I do like a lot of different types of vegetables. I would also make my children little plates of what I was eating.

After about six months I looked like a different person. I had lost about 20lbs and was a couple of sizes smaller. I was so proud of myself. I rewarded myself with a trip to the mall to buy some new clothes.

Losing all of that weight wasn't easy but I am glad I was able to do it. I am now at my goal weight and intend to stay there for the rest of my life. I do not want to be overweight ever again.

If I have a friend who wants to lose weight, I just tell them to go for it. I tell them that it is worth it. That once they do it they will feel so good about themselves that they will know what a good decision it was.

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